The steps for achieving the international targets for the drastic reduction of carbon emissions, both in production and retail, in our country will be discussed at the 15th DIY & Home Improvement Conference, to be held on Wednesday, November 13th, at the Benaki Museum.

The DIY & Home Improvement Conference is organized by Karydakis Media and is the largest B2B gathering in the Home & Garden market, covering tools, machinery, paints, varnishes, and building materials. It also boasts a notable presence of major companies involved in home and garden technology and equipment. It serves as the unique networking event for top executives from all major companies, representing all segments of retail chains and traditional commerce.

Jaime Pitcairn, Technical Director of Corporate Sustainability at Ricardo, will present actions and strategies to help the industry reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Scope 3. Scope 3 emissions refer to indirect greenhouse gas emissions that result from a company’s activities but are not directly related to the production or provision of its products and services. These may include emissions from the supply chain, transportation, and the use of the company’s products by consumers.
Measuring Scope 3 emissions sends a strong message of responsibility and environmental commitment for any business. Reducing Scope 3 emissions not only benefits the environment but also contributes to the economic growth of the company itself. Reviewing and improving them can lead to more efficient and cost-effective processes.

With the title “Reshaping Realities,” the main areas of focus for the 15th DIY & Home
Improvement Conference are:

  • COLLABORATIVE MODELS: Combined purchasing power and
  • SUSTAINABLE BUSINESS: The key to reducing carbon emissions
  • CUSTOMER EXPERIENCE: The omnichannel approach for an unparalleled
    customer experience
  • BUILDING MATERIALS: The importance of cradle-to-cradle and certified
    sustainable solutions
  • GARDEN CENTERS: Why they are necessary in Greece
  • NEW TRENDS: From Home Improvement to Home Connectivity
  • RESEARCH: What consumers are looking for

Top Greek and international speakers, original presentations, exclusive research, and
face-to-face communication with the most important decision-makers in the Greek
market further elevate the character of the 15th DIY & Home Improvement
Conference, with the level being higher than ever before. As every year, the event
will conclude with a unique food & wine networking party, bringing together all the
industry’s professionals.

As is the case every year, this year as well, the event will come to an end with a unique food & wine networking party, which will bring together all industry stakeholders.