In the past couple of years, we have experienced two consecutive shock waves: Initially, it was the pandemic and the months of lockdowns, followed by the energy insecurity caused by the war in Ukraine and combined with a rapid inflation increase. These developments have changed radically the habits, priorities as well as the values and expectations of consumers.

The 13 th DIY & Home Improvement Convention, which will be held on Thursday, 24 November (09.00-17.00), at Benaki Museum (138 Pireos Street, Athens), is dedicated to every single thing that contributes towards attracting consumers.

Jamie Anderson

Jamie Anderson, Professor of Strategic Management, Antwerp Management School, via his presentation titled ‘Creative leadership in a complex world’, will introduce the industry’s companies to the concept of Open Innovation. He will encourage the search for alternative ways to achieve efficient and effective R&D processes; for example, through the active search for new technologies and ideas outside the company as well as through the collaboration with vendors and the competition so as to create added value for consumers. The participation of other partners (industry businesses, suppliers, universities as well as end users) in developing new products and innovations will be the next big thing in DIY & Home Improvement.

Thierry Coeman

The former Chairman of the Belgian DIY Association and author, Thierry Coeman, through his presentation titled ‘Reshaping the Home Improvement Store’, will analyze how the family and larger-scale DIY & Home Improvement stores of the future will be laid out, taking into account social developments and consumer behavior trends. Through 12 comprehensive ins & outs, he will explain the reasons that call for the adoption of a new business model: the ‘phygital’ co-existence and balance between physical and digital stores.

Nikos Filippidis

In addition, Nikos Filippidis, a journalist working for Mega Channel and specializing in energy issues, will map the conditions that created this ‘energy storm’ and discuss when we will be entering a smoother phase and how important decisions can be made to relieve businesses when it comes to their daily operation.

The DIY & Home Improvement Convention is the biggest B2B meeting of the Home & Garden market. It is a unique networking event for top executives from all the major companies and representatives from all the departments of retail chains and brick and mortar trade stores in the field of home tools, paints, construction materials, technology and equipment..

Leading Greek and foreign speakers, primary presentations, exclusive surveys and face-to-face interaction with the most important decision makers of the Greek market seek to upgrade the 13 th DIY & Home Improvement Convention and the level is, indeed, higher than ever.